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  2. 3D Builder/Artwork

How to share a builder design

This will show you how to share a design from your locker room

To share a design that you have in your locker room, please sign into your account and go to your locker room

Now go to your design that you want to share and click on the three dots on the top right hand corner

A pop up window will pop up with 8 options

Click on the share design button on the top right and click on copy and close button

You can now share that link with anyone via email. 

Please note that a person will be able to open the design on their end and save it to their own locker room.  If they make changes to the design it will not reflect on your end in your locker room.  If the design is in your locker room and you save it while signed in,  all updates will update on your end only.